Breaking into the NHS sales cycle is no easy feat—it’s complex, lengthy (think 2+ years), and involves navigating a web of stakeholders, any of whom could derail your progress. But the opportunity is worth it if you approach it strategically.
Here’s what we’ve learned at Elemental:
✅ Align with a problem
Start by identifying a problem the NHS is grappling with. If your solution doesn’t meet a mission-critical need, you’ll need to educate the market about the problem.
✅ Position yourself as the solution
Selling to the NHS means you have to be more than just another vendor. Show that you care about solving the problem. Run C-suite roundtables and focus on making your name synonymous with solving the issue you’re tackling.
✅ Engage multiple stakeholders
The NHS decision-making process is multifaceted. Without solving an identified business need, clinical buy-in and IT support, the process will stall. You’ll likely need sign-off from information governance. Service leads will also influence the decision. Show how you help them all.
✅ Navigate procurement with care
Selling to the NHS means more than getting on the right procurement framework. Ensure your strategy addresses all layers of the “triple lock” procurement process. You need sign-off at organisational, regional and central levels, and you will likely have to demonstrate early returns to get approval.
✅ Think long-term
Selling to the NHS is rarely about quick wins; it requires hard work. Be consistent and stick to a well-thought-out plan. Building traction takes time.
💡 Takeaway
Breaking into the NHS can be hard, but you can do it with the right approach. Align yourself with the right issue and do a great job, and you can generate the trust and positive reputation that will reap dividends in the long run.
Selling to the NHS is a marathon – it might even be an ultra marathon. It’s certainly not a sprint. With the right mindset and team, you can make it!
#NHSSales #HealthTech #SalesStrategy