data advisory


Elemental has been building, buying and burning through data since 2006.

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Data advisory solutions​​​​

Most frequent questions and answers

Brrrr! It’s scary, yes and it’s really worth investing the time to seek out the reliable data brokers for your markets. Always get a sample of data. Try looking at online data mining sources as well, many of which now perform a lot of the hard work for you. They represent an investment, it’s true, but we’ve found they are worth their weight

Then you’re probably operating under the cover of Legitimate Interests. There’s a simple process called a Legitimate Interests Assessment that you can perform ahead of every campaign that will not only help you get some sleep, but also demonstrates an audit trail that you followed the proper process. If you’re still worried, then maybe consider a consented model. And remember, if you’re doing e-marketing, then you need to follow PECR! Legitimate Interests doesn’t quite cut it!

Some companies will only operate with a consented model, and whereas this is by far the safest route, it does come with increased costs and reduced outcomes. If you can prove that the audience you’re targeting would have a Legitimate Interest in your solution or service, then this is all you need for outbound sales acceleration but you need to demonstrate that you’ve followed the correct processes to determine this. If in doubt, have a chat with the ICO.

The information out there is incredibly detailed but there are some basic rules. If you’re performing outbound telemarketing, and you can pass a Legitimate Interests Assessment, you’re good to go. If you’re e-marketing, you need to adopt a consented or subscribed model.

If e-marketing is present within your marketing plan, then yes, PECR is something you need to brush up on. In short, e-marketing campaigns distributed to large audiences need to demonstrate consented recipients. The good news is that you can use your sales acceleration/sales/telemarketing teams to gain consent – yes, its costs more to gain this, but it’s a lot less than the fines are

Your agency should be able to support you here, or at least make some recommendations. Once you find a trusted source, you’ll find it becomes a lot quicker and easier to manage.

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is a great source of guidance for those that wear the DPO hat. They’re not there to catch you out – they’re there to help you get it right so we always recommend you register with them and keep their URL in your faves

Data compliance doesn't have to be a headache

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